Lopez and Associates, Inc., was incorporated in New York State
in 1976 to apply the best psychological techniques and programs
to help business, industrial, non-profit and governmental entities
make maximum use of their personnel resources.
The highly trained staff are experienced specialists in applying
research, theory, and practice to solve organizational problems.
They specialize in human behavior in the workplace, and most
have graduate degrees in Industrial-Organizational Psychology
and maintain membership in professional societies (SIOP, APA,
SHRM). They recognize and understand the interdependence of
people, organizations and society. They deal with the ramifications
of the increase in government intervention, talent shortages,
and the changing nature of the work force. These behavioral
scientists and psychologists facilitate appropriate responses
to the problems and issues encountered by business, public,
community and international institutions.
The I/O teams of applied scientists, professionally accredited
and subject to peer review, assist clients through the application
of behavioral science, utilizing a high technology approach
to "people problems."
These teams seek scientific solutions to the human problems
that arise in the working environment. As professionals, some
engage in psychological assessment as well as in personnel research,
training and development. They suggest appropriate personnel
policies, and participate in planning, organizational development,
analysis and other related people management functions.